Mooretown Lady Flags Executive Meeting
Tuesday, December 4, 2018 7:25PM
Mooretown Arena Seniors Room
Financial Update: Andrea Lane
-Bank Account currently standing at $34,030.34
-$728.86 raised by poinsettia fundraiser
-$500.00 donated by Captain Kidd Days
-Request for team managers to submit an up to date budget, see Action Items
Registration Update: Erin Hogan
-discussion on injured player refund request, details not posted due to confidentiality
Fundraising Update: Erin Nesbit - Not present
-Cookie Dough Fundraiser order delayed by mail strike, pick up will be at Nisbet House on Friday, December 14, 2018, see Action Items
Equipment & Coach Development Update: Jason Nesbit
Motion – Missi Routley - Mid-year survey for coaches and bench staff, see Action Items
Seconded – Bryan Jeff
-Suggestion for Executive/Board/Association survey to be created and distributed in March
Sponsorship Update: Marilyn Maiorat
-Sponsor signs and boards now in place
Referee & Ice Update: Kara Dewhirst
-Current Ice/Referee Invoices being confirmed for payment
-Referee Invoice – November 2018 - $796.00
-Ice Invoice – November 2018 – $2,491.04 - Incorrect, see Action Items
Communications Update: Kaylen Burgess (Not Present)
-No update
League Update: Bryan Jeffrey
-Lower Lakes fine has been paid
-WOGHL games scheduled until beginning of February 2019
-Essex-Kent currently holding meeting
Compliance Update: Missi Routley
-80% compliant for police/vulnerable sector checks, see Action Items
Motion – Kara Dewhirst - Secretary to have all Executive Meeting minutes emailed within 1 week of the meeting to all executive members, board to approve minutes at beginning of following meeting and communications to post approved minutes to the website within 1 week of approval.
Seconded – Bryan Jeffrey
Action Items

Next Meeting: Thursday, January 24, 2018 @ 6:30pm Seniors Room
Kevin Slater
Seconded Jason Nesbit