Mooretown Lady Flags Executive Meeting
Sunday June 24, 2018
7:00PM - Corunna Fire Hall
Finance and statement Update: Andrea Lane
-Bank act is up and running.
-Website payment due.
-Waiting on skate invoices for tryouts for Walpole arena.
-OWHA returned 600$+90$ will be letting MTMHA know as it is from last year.
-Still waiting to hear what the working relationship with MTMHA will look like, they know we have some concerns and they have stated they won’t let us fail.
Registration Update: Erin Hogan
26 registrations + Pre Novice
Pre Novice – 5
Novice HL – 7
Novice C – 7
Atom HL – 2
Atom C – 8
Peewee – 1
Bantam – 1
-Working on getting more registrations in each age group.
-Advertising on the Corunna Fire Hall sign.
-Scheduled an open skate to invite new skaters, dates TBD.
- Letters to students at schools in area.
-Radio station adds.
Registration for Novice C and Atom C closes June 30th, registration for new players will remain open.
Sponsorship Update: Marilyn Maoirat
-Atom C has a 2 year jersey sponsor from Corunna Legion.
-Calsar will be sponsoring jerseys on either Novice C or HL.
-Sponsorship packages have been completed and submitted to 133 local businesses and groups.
-Kaylen has added a sponsorship tag on the website.
-Introduction of friends of Mooretown sponsorship level which includes dressing room door magnets at a cost of 40-50% through planet stitch.
-Hydro 1 and Arlanxo do not have an sponsorship monies left for 2018 if parents work for these companies they have an employee sponsorship for 250$ and Hydro 1 suggest applying through Employee Volunteer grant program.
Fundraising Upate: Erin Nesbit
-BBQ JULY 27th weekend in courtright in support of the Mooretown Lady Flags.
- We will need alot of volunteers, Kaylen will put together something to generate volunteers.
OWHA Update: Missi Routley
-Constitution in works lots of reading and adjustments, 1st draft will be showcased to board at July Board meeting and then will make necessary amendments and in August the board will adopt and send to OWHA.
-Setting up a members meeting in September to get all our members up to speed on what is happening in the association.
WOGHL Update: Bryan Jeffrey
-waiting to hear back from Chatham in regards to mixing two age groups Peewee and Bantam to form one team and have them play in the alliance division.
Equipment & Coaching Update: Jason Nesbit
-Player development with TPH had been booked for Aug 20,22,27, & 29th from 6:00 to 7:00PM.
-Kaylen will send info to all players & get a post on the website to advertise.
Ice & Referee Update: Kara Dewhirst
-No update
Communications Update: Kaylen Burgess
-Email has been sent out to all players who have already made teams to make sure they register by June 30th.
-Email to all new players to invite to an open skate and send them info about registration.
-Website is up and running and has been getting a lot of traffic.
-Lady Flags Facebook page has launched as well.
Old BUSINESS: No old business.
Motion: The coaches, staff and parents of Mooretown lady flags will only solicit team sponsorships/donations from their places of employment. These employer solicited donations have a maximum amount of 1000$. All other potential sponsors or donations will be directed to the sponsorship coordinator - Marilyn Maiorat
*AMENDMENT to add Everyone is to check with Marilyn (sponsorship coordinator) before even contacting their own employer.
Seconded: Missi Routley
All in Favor: Passed
-500$ aprx a month for 4 hrs.
-Would need to be in matching identifying shirts and minimum 4 volunteers each time, would like to have 2 regulars volunteers.
-Would be perfect for grandparents who are looking to volunteer.
-Erin N, Theresa & Kara will be in communication in regards to other fundraising ideas and will bring forward at the next board meeting.
July Board meeting date: Aug 1,2018 7:00PM
August Board meeting date: Aug 29th 7:00PM
MOTION TO ADJOURN: 9:52PM by Kaylen Burgess, seconded Kevin Slater All in Favor