Lady Flags Online Waiver Forms 2020 / 2021 (Mooretown Lady Flags)

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Lady Flags Online Waiver Forms 2020 / 2021
Please read & complete form for the 2020 / 2021 season.

Player Information

Player / Parent Consent / Waiver Form

I and my/our child/ward agree to abide by all policies, guidelines, codes of conduct, rules, regulations, rulings and decisions of the MLFGHA, its agents and/or team and league officials, including but not limited to those of OWHA, LLFHL, WOGHL, OHF and Hockey Canada. I understand that I or my child/ward cannot participate until registration is complete and validated by the MLFGHA Registrar.

PLAYER Fair Play Code of Conduct

I will play hockey because I want to, not just because others or coaches want me to.
I will play by the rules of hockey, and in the spirit of the game.
I will control my temper – fighting and “mouthing off” can spoil the activity for everybody.
I will respect my team-mates and my opponents.
I will do my best to be a true team player.
I will remember that winning isn’t everything – that having fun, improving skills, making friends and doing my best is also important.
I will acknowledge all good plays and performances – those of my team and of my opponents.
I will remember that coaches and officials are there to help me. I will accept their decisions and show
them respect.

Parent Consent / Waiver Form 

I and my/our child/ward agree to abide by all policies, guidelines, codes of conduct, rules, regulations, rulings and decisions of the MLFGHA, its agents and/or team and league officials, including but not limited to those of OWHA, LLFHL, WOGHL, OHF and Hockey Canada. I understand that I or my child/ward cannot participate until registration is complete and validated by the MLFGHA Registrar.

PARENT Fair Play Code of Conduct

I will not force my child to participate in hockey.
I will always remember that my child plays hockey for her enjoyment, not mine.
I will encourage my child to play by the rules, demonstrate good sportsmanship and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
I will accept the results of the game and teach my child to be gracious in victory and courteous in defeat.
I will teach my child that doing one’s best is as important as winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of the game.
I will make my child feel like a winner every time by offering praise for competing fairly and trying hard.
I will never criticize, ridicule, or yell at my child or other players for mistakes, but applaud their efforts with encouragement.
I will refrain from using abusive or profane language directed towards anyone connected with the game.
I will remember that children learn best by example. I will applaud good plays/performance by both my child’s team and their opponents.
I will support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from children’s hockey games.
I will respect and show appreciation for the volunteer coaches who give their time to coach hockey for my child.
I will address any problems or concerns to the team staff away from the arena while adhering to the 24 hour waiting period following a game.
I will not coach from the sidelines or interfere with any duties or responsibilities of the coach or any of the staff, remembering that they are all volunteers.
I will never question the officials’ judgement or honesty in public. I recognize officials are being developed in the same manner as players.

I, the undersigned player and parent/guardian, have read and agreed to abide by the Player Code of Conduct and the Parent Code of Conduct. It is the intention of this pledge/agreement to promote fair play and respect for all participants within MLFGHA. All players and parents must sign this pledge before players are allowed to participate in hockey and they must continue to observer the principles of fair play.

I further understand that any violations may result in a suspension from participating in any team practices, games or team activities. Players are not considered registered until these pledges are signed.
Ontario Women’s Hockey Association Rowan’s Law Acknowledgement Form

The Ontario Government has adopted the Statute “Rowan’s Law” that includes mandatory requirements for all sport, including the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association (OWHA).

The OWHA’s Concussion Awareness Resource is available through the link below:

The above link includes Code of Conduct, Removal from Play, Return to Play, age-appropriate material and links to valuable additional resources.
The OWHA Concussion Awareness Resource must be read on an annual basis before an individual registers with the OWHA or with an OWHA member. The OWHA registration form requires a signature from every member/participant as well as parent/guardian for players under the age of 18.

OWHA member teams and associations are to provide the OWHA Concussion Awareness to every participant to read PRIOR to registering with the member team/association. This form may be collected by the OWHA member team/association as proof that the participant and parent/guardian if participant
is under the age of 18 has read the OWHA Concussion Awareness Resource prior to registration.
Ontario Women’s Hockey Association Rowan’s Law Acknowledgement Form

Media Consent Waiver

I hereby consent to allow Mooretown Lady Flags Girls Hockey Association to use of any photographs, audio and/or video recordings of my child  / ward (under the age of 18) for purposes of promotional material including brochures, posters, newsletters, media information, advertisements, audio-visual productions and digital media, (such as website and social media). 

*If you to not give your consent to the above please do not check the acknowledgement box below.