Registration Cost Information
Instructional - $295.00
Initiation - $600.00
Novice - $750.00
Atom - $850.00
Peewee - $850.00
Bantam - $900.00
Midget - $950.00
E-Transfer Information
We are only accepting e-Transfers for registration payment for the 2019 / 2020 season.
Please send payment via e-Transfer at time of registration to
[email protected]
The e-trasfer must clearly state:
-Player's name
-Team Trying Out For
-Contact Number
**Please note that if your e-transfer does not contain the above information, your player is not considered registered until your e-transfer has been verified by the Treasurer**
Payment must be received to confirm registration. Your player is NOT considered registered until payment has been received.
Online registration will close on June 30, 2019
There will be a late fee of $200.00 in affect beginning July 1, 2019 for any returning player who is not registered by the June 30, 2019.
If you require to make your registration payment on a 2 instalment payment plan please contact Lady Flags Registrar, Erin Hogan at
[email protected]