Mooretown Lady Flags Registration 2018/2019 (Mooretown Lady Flags)

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Mooretown Lady Flags Registration 2018/2019
Welcome to the Mooretown Lady Flags Girls Hockey Association! Please fill in the required information and submit. You will not be redirected after your form is completed but will be contacted by the Lady Flags Registrar with confirmation of your submission within two (2) business days

Registrant Information

Please fill out the information below to complete your player's registration

Division Designation

Please choose the Division you are Registering for. Fees are listed beside Division name.


·         All members will be expected to fundraise $45.00 for example Cash Calendars (3 at $15.00)

·         More information to come on other fundraising initiatives.


Membership Fees

·         $10 per player. This fee is included in your registration.


Volunteer Fees

·         Will be collected in September by your Team Manager.

·         You will be required to fill out a form with a $500 cheque dated January 20, 2019.

·         Your Volunteer Fee cheque will be returned to you after 6 hours of volunteer time is completed


Read Before Completing

The Undersigned hereby grants permission to Mooretown Lady Flags Girls Hockey Association to use their name and limited personal information of the child indicated on this form, and also team and action photographs including their child, in print and in electronic media. Such photographs may be used by MLFGHA in all formats and publications including, but not limited to, newspapers and the websites of MLFGHA for publicity purposes. No other personal information (example: address, phone number, school) will be disclosed. MLFGHA is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. The Undersigned understands that once a photograph is posted on a website, the image can be downloaded by any computer user and specifically waives his/her rights and protection pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Electronic Documents Act.

Read Before Completing

I agree to abide by the rules of the Mooretown Lady Flags Girls Hockey Association. I further certify that the age of my child is correct as printed on this form and that he/she is a bon-afide resident of the address given above. I understand that my child is subject to immediate dismissal from the program should the age or address given be inaccurate. I also give permission for my child to participate in the MLFGHA program and release and hold harmless the Association, its members, directors, coaches and other officials and any other person or entity associated with the program from any and all injury or damage for any claims or causes of action whatsoever for any loss or injury suffered by any child and/or myself.