Jan 27, 2022 | Amanda Ross | 825 views
We're Back!!!!
OWHA had further communication to all of the Associations
"Further to our email dated January 20th , the regulations are not yet available. It is our expectation that hockey practices and games will be permitted starting January 31st and will continue to have restrictions. We encourage teams to prepare for a return to hockey while remaining flexible to adapt. We will advise when further information is available."
We have also received communication from WOGHL late last night but no further communication from Lower Lakes.
"While we are still expecting some further clarification from OWHA about possible further restrictions, WOGHL is hopeful to be back to normal January 31st with playoffs starting as planned on Feb 7th."
With that, your coaches and managers are working diligently to get things organized for our return Jan 31 so if you have practice on the 31st, we will see you then.