Feb 16, 2021 | kaylen | 684 views
Mooretown Lady Flags Update - February 16, 2021
We have GREAT news!!!
We have just learned that we will retake the ice in 2 weeks on
Monday, March 1st until April 12th.
The hockey committee will be planning the schedule and program for the remainder of the season and it will be communicated once it is finalized.
Refunds for missed ice time due to the arena closure will be issued at the end of the hockey season.
If you have questions regarding our return to play or if your player will not be returning please contact Andrea Lane ASAP.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please save the date for our upcoming Virtual Annual General Meeting to be held on February 25, 2021 at 7:00PM.
The following Lady Flags Executive positions are up for nomination:
- President ***Amanda Ross has been nominated for the President position
- Director of Risk Management
- Director of Sponsorship
- Director of Volunteers
- Treasurer
If you have any questions regarding these positions and what they entail please do not hesitate to reach out to any board member, we would be happy to discuss these positions with you or get you in touch with the right knowledgeable person.
Volunteering for the Lady Flags Executive is an extremely rewarding experience. It is a great way to meet people within our hockey family and also to contribute thoughts and ideas on how our programs are run. Your time will benefit all of our Lady Flags.
We will be taking nominations for the above listed positions up until and during the AGM on February 25th. To nominate yourself or someone else for any of the above positions please click the link posted below.
CLICK HERE: Lady Flags 2021 Executive Nomination Form