Oct 01, 2020 | kaylen | 697 views
MSC Spectator Policy Update
October 3rd Moore Sports Complex will allow
1 spectator per
1 participant for rentals.
Please remember at this time there are NO siblings allowed in the arena, 1 spectator per 1 participant. We cannot stress the importance of reviewing the information below and following these guidelines.
Please review the updated Moore Sports Complex Return to Play below.
Click here: MSC Return to Play (Revised September 29, 2020U11 & BELOW
U11 and below, the player / parent are considered as one person while in the dressing room. It’s very important that the parent stands in front of the player while in the dressing room to maintain social distancing guidelines. Please utilize the marked stickers on the benches as reference. Masks must be on until such time that players go on the ice, and must go back on immediately after the skate. Essentially, when their helmet is on is the only time when masks are not required. Masks are required for spectators AT ALL TIMES, and must be worn properly, ie covering mouths, nose, and chin.
U11 and below parents have to option to assist in room and stay in room until the buzzer goes to go on the ice. Once it’s time to go on ice they will then make their way to rink 1 and go up into the stands and “stand” in designated spots marked along the railing. If they do not wish to assist in the room, they must wait outside the arena in the parking lot, until the buzzer goes (scheduled ice time), at which point they may go up into the stands and “stand” in designated spots marked along the railing, once passing screening.
There will be NO sitting in the stands unless it's absolutely necessary for the parent who cannot stand etc. They will sit below on the designated spot below the railing.
Once ice time is completed for U11 and below, parents have the option to return to the room to assist player in getting within the 10 minute time frame to allow the next group to get on the ice for their scheduled ice time. If they do not wish to go into the dressing room, they must immediately exit the arena into the parking lot following the buzzer, using either exit door marked on the attached sketch. The flow pattern must be maintained AT ALL TIMES.
U13 and above, parents must wait outside the arena in the parking lot, until the buzzer goes (scheduled ice time), at which point they may go up into the stands and "stand" in designated spots marked along the railing once passing screening.
There will be NO sitting in the stands unless it's absolutely necessary for the parent who cannot stand etc. They will sit below on the designated spot below the railing.
Once ice time is completed parents of U13 and above must immediately exit the arena into the parking lot following the buzzer, using either exit door indicated on the attached sketch. The flow pattern must be maintained AT ALL TIMES.
It is very important that all Mooretown Lady Flags members follow all guidelines etc which have been set out for us to get back on the ice. We will have very little "forgiveness" in these rules, and arena staff are working very hard with The Lady Flags and other orginizations to maintain the rules. If they are abused, we will lose the privileges given to us.