Sep 18, 2020 | kaylen | 744 views
"Squad" Parent Reps Needed!
Welcome back Lady Flags!
We can’t wait to get this season’s fundraising initiatives started.
This season we are in need of one parent from each
"Squad" to act as our
Parent Rep for the season.
This person will work with our fundraising & volunteer team for the 2020/2021 season and receive their full amount of hours.
If you are interested in being your squad's parent rep please contact either:
[email protected]
[email protected]
This season’s first fundraiser is a big one! Giresi’s Pizza is teaming up with us to sell their DIY Pizza Kits! This has never been done before and we are excited! This will also be your first opportunity to receive volunteer hours.
(More details to follow)
Don’t forget to check out our FlipGive as shop online and Lady Flags gets cash back!
Click here for info on FlipGIve - Lady Flags FlipGive
Volunteer cheques will be collected in October by your Parent Reps & all volunteer opportunities will be communicated through your Parent Rep and well as on our website & Facebook page.
We are looking forward to an exciting season.
If you have any ideas for fundraising we want to hear them! Please let us know by email!
[email protected]
[email protected]