Message from Kevin Slater, President, Mooretown Lady Flags, News (Mooretown Lady Flags)

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May 31, 2018 | kaylen | 6858 views
Message from Kevin Slater, President, Mooretown Lady Flags
On the evening of May 28, 2018, Mooretown Lady Flags held the 2017 / 2018 Annual General Meeting.

An entirely new Executive Board of Directors was elected, including myself, as President. The team includes many talented and knowledgeable volunteers with varied skilled sets, making us well poised for a great year, and a great future. The full listing of our new board can be found HERE.

The new board of directors met immediately following the AGM and held our first board meeting. Urgency is a key piece of moving forward with intention.  We are wasting no time in prioritizing what needs to be done and as a result of our first meeting, all board members have started work in their new role.


I am pleased to say that Mooretown Lady Flags is alive and well and we are thrilled to offer girls hockey this coming season!  We are busy revisiting registration and aim to have it open within 10 days.  Please continue to check back for updates.  

NOTE: The registration deadline for the upcoming 2018 / 2019 season will now be June 30, 2018.  

Novice & Atom  - As planned since try outs, we would like to confirm that we will roster teams at the Novice C, Novice HL, Atom C and Atom HL levels, as previously announced.   We will be welcoming more players to roster on both the Novice HL and Atom HL teams.

Peewee & Bantam - For any Peewee and Bantam age players interested in playing in Mooretown, please email me as soon as possible.  We are going to do all we can to support hockey at this level, but need to understand the interest first.  No pressure at all, just let me know if this is something you/your player might be interested in and we can continue to piece together a plan and keep you updated along the way.  


Pre-Novice - We are considering a Pre-Novice Program for girls 6 and under and/or players looking to build their skating & hockey skills before entering the Novice level.   Before we explore this, we need to gauge interest.  Again, please email me if you are interested in learning more about this.


Lastly, I would just like to add this, I believe strongly in the viability of Mooretown Lady Flags.  With positive intention and a team-based approached, I, and the other members who have offered to step up on this board, are committed to this.  We believe that the girls in our community deserve an equal opportunity to play the game they love.  We may be a small association, but you'd never know it by watching the massive heart that shows in each of these girls when their skates hit the ice.  That's what keeps me motivated to continue this important work.  I look forward to growth, stability, supportive and positive relationships and above all, a healthy girls hockey program in Mooretown.  I welcome you to join me, and the entire board, in moving forward with this in mind.

I welcome your emails with any questions or concerns, or if you would like to arrange a time to chat.


Keep your stick on the ice, 

Kevin Slater

Mooretown Lady Flags Girls Hockey Association

[email protected]


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