Mooretown Lady Flags Executive Meeting
Monday July 30, 2018
7:00PM - Mooreotwn Arena Board Room
Finincial Update: Andrea Lane
-Just over $22,000 in account currently.
-$3000 from friends Of Minor Hockey donation is expected.
-We will be receiving $5000 from MTMHA and $2000 from MTMHA in equipment donation.
Registration Update: Erin Hogan
Novice HL: all signed up 1 owing
Novice C: all signed up owing (full)
Atom HL: 8 signed up 4 owing
Atom B/C: all signed up (full)
Peewee/bantam HL: 9 including goalie
Sponsorship Update: Marilyn Maiorat
-Sponsorship Packages have gone out to 175 businesses and organizations.
-All have been sent out a reminder email which includes the updated package with the rink boards/wall signs and under window signage options.
-No Frills - $200 donation towards Food Purchase for BBQ.
Jersey Sponsors
Novice HL - Cal Sar
Novice C- Cal Sar
Atom HL - TBD
Atom C- Corunna Legion
Peewee - LiUNA
-7x9 Donation plaque from All Seasons Trophies $32.95 + tax (All Donors $500 and above)
-Motion passed by MTMHA at last nights MTMHA board meeting.
-MTMHA and Mooretown Lady Flags Girls Hockey will share the sponsorship/donation director position and services. The director will work for both parties obtaining sponsorship and donations.
All solicited businesses/organizations will be presented with a sponsorship package and they will choose which type of sponsorship they would like to participate in.
For jersey advertising the business/organization will be presented with a list of available teams and they will choose which team they would like to sponsor. 100% of the jersey sponsorship will remain with the association the team belongs to.
When a business/organization wishes to donate to minor hockey, the business/organization will indicate which association they would like to receive the funds and that association will receive 100% of the donation.
100% of tournament sponsorships for the JR Flags House league Tournament will be allocated to MTMHA.
The only shared money includes the agreement with the JR C Flags/Township for the rink board/wall sign and under window signage and The Friends of Mooretown Minor Hockey sponsorships. This money will be split by MTMHA and Mooretown Lady Flags Girls Hockey based on percentage as per registration numbers.
The above agreement will be assessed annually
Referee & Ice Update: Kara Dewhirst
-No update
Communications Update: Kaylen Burgess (Not Present)
-No update
Equipment & Coach Development Update: Jason Nesbit
-Socks $28 / pair
-Pucks / pylons / jerseys / first aid kits will be donated by MTMHA.
-TPH clinics have 20 skaters and 4 goalies registered.
Fundraising Update: Erin Nesbit
-BBQ raised aprx $1000.00
-6 volunteers got hours
-Make thank boards for No Frills
WOGHL Update: Bryan Jeffrey
-Lower Lakes deadline June 1st to register asking for push back to sept 24th after atom teams St. Thomas tournament to see if team belongs in B or C.
-WOGHL meeting in September.
-Essex Kent will have more contact once decided on number of teams (Peewee/bantam).
OWHA Update: Missi Routley
-Review of constitution.
-Will give Executive 3 days for people to review and submit any thoughts of changes.
-Will have final copy for August meeting and can be voted in.
-Gather info for fundraising and present at August meeting.
-Cash calendars, poinsettias, DFS foods, Bingo.
Kevin Slater
Seconded Jay Nesbit